I am a parent of a Freshman player at a Midwest NAIA school who was able to assist my son to continue his baseball career after high school.

My goal is to share our experiences and detail the plan I put together to get my son the exposure he needed without him being a top talent or our family having the financial resources to play on the top summer teams or attend showcases.

I started the process of educating myself after my son's freshman year of high school and I started by asking myself and my son 5 basic questions. As my son progressed through high school I continued to ask the same questions as they provided us a foundation during the process.

Five questions
1. Does my son truly want to keep playing after high school?
2. Is he really willing to go anywhere to keep playing?
3. What is my financial budget to help him get the exposure needed?
4. Is your son doing what he needs to do in the classroom and on the field to maximize his opportunities?
5. How do I get the financial aid required to make this happen?

There were other questions that needed to be answered and I will address those in future blogs but will start with these 5 as a foundation.

NAIA Baseball Scholarship guidelines and eligibility information

I am going to use this page to share some NAIA scholarship and eligibility requirements.

Here are some excerpts from the NAIA handbook:
A. Definition of Institutional Financial Aid-All aid institutionally managed or controlled, exclusive of Pell grants, state grants, SEO grants and loans not controlled by the
C. Countable Aid
Any and all financial assistance to student-athletes that is funded by the institution, controlled or allocated by the institution,
Regardless of category, title or original source. Countable aid includes athletic grants or scholarships, academic scholarships,
Leadership and/or performance scholarships, outside scholarships administered by the institution, tuition waivers, benefits, room
credits, meal credits, institutional loans and work study, as defined in financial aid packages and funded by the institution or
F. Academic Exemption
Academically gifted students will be exempted from the aid counted by use of the following criteria.
1. Aid to continuing students with a 3.60 cumulative GPA or top 10% of class will not count against the limits.
2. Only one-half of the aid to continuing students with a 3.30 - 3.59 cumulative GPA or upper 11%-25% class ranking will count
against the limits.
3. Aid to entering freshmen will be exempted upon achievement of minimum SAT/ACT scores (1050/23=half exemption,
1200/27=full exemption) or cumulative high school GPA (3.50-3.74=half exemption, 3.75-4.0=full exemption) or high school
class rank (top 11%-25%=half exemption, top 10%=full exemption).

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